How to Delete Instagram From a iPhone or Android Phone

Instagram is a popular social media platform with over 2 billion active users. But what happens if you want to delete it from your phone? How do you delete Instagram on an iPhone or Android phone? And, more importantly, what happens if you forget to do this? If you’re like most people, deleting Instagram is a regular occurrence. But how often do you actually take the time to deletes it? If you don’t know, now is the time to figure out how to delete Instagram from your phone.

Save Your Instagram Data before Deleting Your Account

1. First, delete any content you’ve posted on Instagram.
2. Change your password if you haven’t done so already.
3. Quit using Instagram if you no longer use it for your personal or work purposes.
4. Restore your account to the same settings as when it was first created if you need to access your account again in the future.

How to Delete Instagram from a iPhone or Android Phone.

1. Open the Settings app and select Privacy.
2. Scroll down and select Accounts.
3. Select Instagram from the list of accounts.
4. Click on the Delete button to delete the account.

How to Delete Instagram from a Facebook Page.

To delete Instagram from a Facebook page, follow these steps:
1. open the Facebook app and sign in
2. select the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen (called “Profile Info”) and click on the ” deletes this account” button
3. confirm deletion by clicking on the red X next to Instagram username and password
4. save your changes by clicking on the blue “save changes” button

How to Delete Instagram from a Twitter Page

To delete Instagram from a Twitter page, follow these steps:
1. open the Twitter app and sign in
2. select the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen (called “Profile Info”) and click on the ” deletes this account” button
3. confirm deletion by clicking on the red X next to Instagram username and password
4. save your changes by clicking on the blue “save changes” button

How to Delete Instagram from a Web Site.

1. Choose the “Delete Instagram” button on the web page where you want to delete Instagram.
2. Type in the URL of the Instagram account that you want to delete and press Delete.
3. Click on the “Done” button on the web page where you just deleted Instagram.

Is There Any Way to Get My Account Back After Deletion?

If you have an Instagram account and it was deleted by your phone, there may be a way to get your account back. However, the process can be time-consuming and difficult. To begin the process of retrieving your account, you’ll need to create a new Google account and enter your old Instagram password. After providing your information, the app will then email you a link to retrieve your account.

Instagram Account Delete/Disable FAQs

Instagram will delete your account within minutes if you do not follow their deletion instructions. If you have children who are using Instagram, they should contact their parents to delete their accounts before the account is deleted.

Can I delete my child’s account?

Yes, you can delete a child’s account if they are using the account to post photos or videos that may infringe on another person’s privacy.


If you’ve decided to delete your Instagram account, be sure to save all of your data first. Instagram will deletion your account after 7 days, so it’s important to have all of your data ready before then. Additionally, if you have any questions about deleting your account or how to disable it, be sure to check out our FAQs. Thank you for reading!
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