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How to Apply Updates from ADB sideload or Recovery mode 

Are you looking for updating your cell phone? Then here is the easiest way to update your phone with minimal efforts. The situation arises when you cant download update to your phone or downloaded update cant be installed onto your phone. In cases like this,...

How to fix iPhone XS Max with ghost touch bug after iOS 13 

How can you know if you’re experiencing ghost touch? Well, if you have put your phone down, only to realize it is working on its own, then you are experiencing”ghost touch”. Do not worry, there is a solution…but first, let’s dive into some probable causes...

GoPro Action Cameras Are Getting A Serious Upgrade 

Nulla vel euismod eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse lacinia finibus ipsum vitae tempus. Nam vestibulum pretium leo a facilisis. Ut id tincidunt neque. Morbi sit amet varius velit. Pellentesque eget metus et velit maximus placerat ut in quam. Pellentesque luctus...